Materials Innovation Factory A unique, scientific facility with robotic technology and state of the art, analytical equipment.

Sitecore Alliance An alliance of top advertising agencies – co-directed with OMG Media.

JD Sports with Nike Presentation film outlining JD’s innovative digital stores and apps.

ColorMatrix Explainer film outlining an advanced colour mixing system for the plastics industry.

RBS Joy Machine Bank loans helping small business dreams come true.
Co-Directed and Edited with Mark Jewitt

Ford ‘Copy’ Parts Targeting Ford franchises, this comedy film highlights the danger of buying ‘copy’ car parts not manufactured by Ford.

P&O Ferries Conference Her Majesty the Queen has a secret note delivered to the P&O conference – when the film ends the action continues live on stage as a guest speaker enters with the note.

RBS Exactaform Cutting Tools. Bank loans helping business expansion.
Co-Directed and Edited with Mark Jewitt

Materials Innovation Factory A unique, scientific facility with robotic technology and state of the art, analytical equipment.

Sitecore Alliance An alliance of top advertising agencies – co-directed with OMG Media.

JD Sports with Nike Presentation film outlining JD’s innovative digital stores and apps.

ColorMatrix Explainer film outlining an advanced colour mixing system for the plastics industry.

RBS Joy Machine Bank loans helping small business dreams come true.
Co-Directed and Edited with Mark Jewitt

Ford ‘Copy’ Parts Targeting Ford franchises, this comedy film highlights the danger of buying ‘copy’ car parts not manufactured by Ford.

P&O Ferries Conference Her Majesty the Queen has a secret note delivered to the P&O conference – when the film ends the action continues live on stage as a guest speaker enters with the note.

RBS Exactaform Cutting Tools. Bank loans helping business expansion.
Co-Directed and Edited with Mark Jewitt

Materials Innovation Factory

Sitecore Alliance

JD Sports with Nike


RBS Joy Machine

Ford ‘Copy’ Parts

P&O Ferries Conference

RBS Exactaform